Red is in the air

Kada sam se odlucila za ovakav outfit, nisam ni slutila da ce ovako dobro ispasti. Obozavam cipele u boji, i ove crvene su mi se svidele na prvi pogled. Odmah sam se zaljubila u njih. Cak i kad sam ih u radnji probala i kad sam videla da je stikla vrtoglavo visoka nisam odustajala. Znala sam moje moraju biti. Uz to dodala sam crvenu satensku traku oko struka i crvenu torbicu. I naravno to ne bi bilo to bez crvenog laka za nokte i ruza za usne. When I decided for this outfit, I did not realize that this good turn. I love shoes in color, this red I liked at first sight. I instantly fell in love with them. Even when I tried it in the store and when I saw that the dizzyingly high heel did not give up. I knew I should be. In addition, I added a red satin ribbon around the waist and a red bag. And of course it would not be without red nail polish and lipstick.