Ps...katalog jesen-zima 2015/2016

Izasao je novi katalog u Ps-u za jesen-zimu. Ono sto mi se bas svidelo je to da su stvari prelepe, a cene i vise nego pristupacne. Nadam se da ce se u mom ormaru naci bar poneka stvar, ako ne i sve. Uzivajte :)) :** Ostatak kataloga mozete pogledati na jesen-zima 2015/2016 He came out the new catalog in Ps for autumn-winter. What I really liked is that things are beautiful, and the prices are more than affordable. I hope than in my closet to find at least some of the thing, if not all. Enjoy. :)) :** The rest of the catalog can be viewed at autumn-winter 2015/2016