Autumn inspiration

Iskrena da budem nikad do sad nisam volela jesen. Previse mi je hladna, mracna, meni strana. Ali ove godine je nesto drugacije. Sta to? Polako ali sigurno sazrevam i od sad u svakom godisnjem dobu trazim ono najlepse i najbolje. Zasto se povlaciti u sebe, kad mozes sebe prilagoditi necem novom. Zato od sad uzivam u svakom danu, a nadam se da i vi uzivate. :) To be honest I've never loved the fall. I was too cold, dark, side Me. But this year something is different. What that? Slowly but surely maturing, and from now on in every season asking what the most beautiful and best. Why can draw in yourself, when you can adjust yourself to something new. That is why from now on I enjoy every day, and I hope you enjoy. :)