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Kitty Chen Wedding Dress

Ovaj post kasni dosta dugo. Izvinjavam se na tome. Potrudicu se da ispravim svoju neaktivnost. U prethodnim postovima na temu vencanica ste mogili videti da preovladjuju vencanice princeza kroja. Iskreno,nisam ljubitelj sirena kroja, jer sam sebe od malena zamisljala kao princezu za taj poseban dan. Ali ove vencanice mi se zaista mnogo dopadaju.  This post is delayed for a long time. I apologize for that. We will try to correct their inaction. In previous posts on the subject of wedding you are looking to launder prevailing princess cut wedding dress. Honestly, I'm not a fan of mermaid silhouette, because I imagined myself since childhood like a princess for this special day. But this wedding dress I really like them a lot.

Mori Lee wedding dress

Izvinjavam se sto ovaj post kasni,ali juce sam bila u guzvi i nisam stigla da ga izbacim.  Ove vencanice su bozanstvene,mislim da cu imati problem kad se budem udavala koju da izaberem :) Ovo je vec treci post na temu vencanica,prva dva mozete pogledati  OVDE  i  OVDE  . I apologize for the late post, but yesterday I was in the crowd and I did not get a chance to throw him out. These wedding dresses are divine, I think I have a problem when I marry you to choose :) This is the third post on the topic of wedding dresses, you can see the first two  HERE  and  HERE  . 

Haute Couture Wedding Dress

Kako vam se svidjaju ovakvi postovi? Prosle subote je izasao prvi post o najlepsim vencanicama u ovoj sezoni. Njega mozete pogledati  OVDE  . Koja je vasa najlepsa vencanica iz ovog posta?  How do you like these posts? Last Saturday was released the first post on wedding dresses this season. You can see him HERE . What is your most beautiful wedding dress from this post?

Beautiful day

Sezona svadbi je kod mene uveliko pocela. Ovo je jedan outfit koji sam nosila na prvoj svadbi u ovoj sezoni. :) Wedding season has started for me greatly. This is one outfit that I wore on the first wedding in this season. :)

Red is in the air

  Kada sam se odlucila za ovakav outfit, nisam ni slutila da ce ovako dobro ispasti. Obozavam cipele u boji, i ove crvene su mi se svidele na prvi pogled. Odmah sam se zaljubila u njih. Cak i kad sam ih u radnji probala i kad sam videla da je stikla vrtoglavo visoka nisam odustajala. Znala sam moje moraju biti. Uz to dodala sam crvenu satensku traku oko struka i crvenu torbicu. I naravno to ne bi bilo to bez crvenog laka za nokte i ruza za usne. When I decided for this outfit, I did not realize that this good turn. I love shoes in color, this red I liked at first sight. I instantly fell in love with them. Even when I tried it in the store and when I saw that the dizzyingly high heel did not give up. I knew I should be. In addition, I added a red satin ribbon around the waist and a red bag. And of course it would not be without red nail polish and lipstick.