
Приказују се постови са ознаком boyfriend

17.09.2017. ♥

  Zaostajem sa postovima, znam,svesna sam toga... Nadam se da cu se uskoro iskupiti za sve.. Pre ovog posta su trebali ici neki drugi.. Ali sam preskocila.. Vraticu se na njih drugom prilikom. I ovako sam bezobrazna. Punoletstvo je bilo mojooj dragoj sestrici, a ja prvi post o tome izbacujem samo moje slike.. Dobroo nisu bas samo moje.. ima i mog dragog na njima. :D Ovo je prvi post koji ide vezan za punoletstvo, a bice ih jos.. Uzivajtee :)) I'm behind the posts, I know, I'm aware of that ... I hope I will soon be reimbursed for everyone .. Before this post was supposed to go to someone else .. But I jumped over .. I will return to them on another occasion. And I'm so stupid like this. Adulthood was my dear sisters, and I post my first post about it only my pictures .. Good ones are not just my ... I have my dear on them. :D This is the first post that is related to adult life, and they will be more .. Enjoy :))

Happy birthday love

Kao po obicaju i ovaj post malo kasni. Izvinjavam se na tome, ali kod mene jos uvek traje ispitni rok i ne mogu sve da postignem. Mnogo toga imam u planu, pa je i to jedan od razloga kasnjenja. No nije ni bitno i nije to tema danasnjeg posta. Danasnji post je posvecen mom dragom decku koji je ovih dana proslavio svoj 26 rodjendan. Ovim putem po ko zna koji put zelim da mu cestitam rodjendan. I da mu pozelim samo najlepse zelje. Volim te ljubaviii ♥ ♥ ♥ As per usual this post a little late. I apologize for that, but to me still lasts examination period and can not be everything to achieve. I have many things planned, but this is one of the reasons for the delay. But it does not matter and is not a subject of today's post. Today's post is dedicated to my dear boyfriend who has recently celebrated his 26 birthday. This way, for the umpteenth time, I want to congratulate him birthday. I wish him only the best wishes. I love you my love ♥ ♥ ♥

Happy new year post

Drage moje i dragi moji...Srecna Vam Nova godina.. Puno zdravlja,srece,ljubavi..a sve ostalo ce doci. Sve lose iz prosle godine zaboravite, sve lepo pamtite. U Novoj godini zelim svima puno novih ideja, poslova,uspeha. Neka ova godina bude bar pola kao prosla i necemo se buniti :)) My Dear ... Happy New Year .. A lot of health, happiness, love ..and all the rest will come. All lose from last year forget, remember all nice. In the New Year I wish everyone a lot of new ideas, business, success. Let this year be at least half as passed, and we will not complain :))