Park Bukovicke banje

Park "Bukovicke banje" predstavlja spomenik prirode II kategorije, III stepen zastite. Park je povrsine 21.5 ha, a zasticeno podrucje predstavlja 19 ha. Od kulturno - istorijske vrednosti od znacaja su hotel Staro zdanje, i 72 sklupture od kojih su najpoznatije Sfinga i Lav. U parku se nalazi oko 4000 stabala, a registrovano je 27 vrsta ptica sto predstavlja 8% od ukupnog broja vrsta u Srbiji. Park "Bukovic spa" is a natural monument category II, III degree of protection. Park area is 21.5 ha, a protected area represents 19 ha. The cultural - historical values of interest are the old hotel Staro zdanje, and 72 sculptures from the most famous the Sphinx and the Lion. The park is located about 4,000 trees, and registered 27 species of birds which represents 8% of the total number of species in Serbia. HOTEL STARO ZDANJE SFINGA