
Приказују се постови за септембар, 2017

17.09.2017. ♥ II deo

Evo konacno i nasih zajednickih slika... NIkad vise slika nemamo.. Sve su divne na svoj nacin.. Kada bi mi neko trazio da izdvojim jednu koja mi se svidja,ne bih to mogla da uradim.. Uzivajte u slikama. Here are finally our common pictures ... We never have a picture anymore .. They are all wonderful in their own way .. If someone asks me to separate one that I like, I would not be able to do it .. Enjoy the pictures.

17.09.2017. ♥

  Zaostajem sa postovima, znam,svesna sam toga... Nadam se da cu se uskoro iskupiti za sve.. Pre ovog posta su trebali ici neki drugi.. Ali sam preskocila.. Vraticu se na njih drugom prilikom. I ovako sam bezobrazna. Punoletstvo je bilo mojooj dragoj sestrici, a ja prvi post o tome izbacujem samo moje slike.. Dobroo nisu bas samo moje.. ima i mog dragog na njima. :D Ovo je prvi post koji ide vezan za punoletstvo, a bice ih jos.. Uzivajtee :)) I'm behind the posts, I know, I'm aware of that ... I hope I will soon be reimbursed for everyone .. Before this post was supposed to go to someone else .. But I jumped over .. I will return to them on another occasion. And I'm so stupid like this. Adulthood was my dear sisters, and I post my first post about it only my pictures .. Good ones are not just my ... I have my dear on them. :D This is the first post that is related to adult life, and they will be more .. Enjoy :))

Day with friend

 Zajedno smo isle u vrtic. Odrasle u istom kraju. Imamo istu rodbinu sa razlicitih strana. Studiramo u istom gradu. Sve je kao nekad.  Together we went to the kindergarten. Adult in the same area. We have the same family from different sides. We are studying in the same city. It's all like it used to be.