
Приказују се постови са ознаком sisters

30.09.2017. ♥ ♥ sister's wedding day

Kako godine lete. Do juce devojcice koje mastaju o svom vencanju, vencanici iz snova, princu na belom konju. A gde smo danas?! Ko bi rekao da ce tako brzo proci sve. Da ce doci i ovaj dan. Od nas cetiri si najstarija, i prva si uplovila u bracnu luku.  How old are you? Until yesterday, girls laced about their wedding, wedding dress, a prince on a white horse. And where are we today ?! Who would say that he would go through so quickly? That this day will come. You four of us are the eldest, and you first sailed to the harbor.

17.09.2017.♥ III deo

Reci su suvisne.. Neizmerna ljubav. Ko bi rekao da se jedna od nas cetiri vec i udala.  Words are superfluous. Immeasurable love. Who would say that one of us has already married.

Sister's engagement

  Cetiri sestre najrodjenije smo. Najstarija sestra je stasala u pravu gospodjicu,spremna da uplovi u nove vode. Stasala i ona,mlada da postane. Zelela sam sa Vama drage moje da podelim delic atmosfere sa njene veridbe.  Four sisters. The oldest sister grew up in the Miss right, ready to sail into new waters. And she grew, to become bride. I wanted to you to share my dears delic atmosphere with its engagement.