Organization Weddings 1 months earlier

U intervalu od mesec dana i dve nedelje pred vencanje biste trebali da: posetite poslasticarnice i narucite mladenacku tortu, pripremite kartice sa imenima, brojevima stolova i dostavite raspored sedenja restoranu, odaberite poklone za mladozenju i kumove. Smislite govore i zdravice, proverite satnicu i redosled dogadjaja. Podelite zaduzenja onima koji zele da Vam tog dana budu od pomoci (kicenje, docekivanje gostiju...) Prethodne postove na ovu temu mozete pogledati OVDE , OVDE I OVDE . In the interval of one month and two weeks before the wedding you should: visit the pastry shop and order a wedding cake, prepare cards with names, numbers and tables provide seating restaurant, choose gifts for the groom and best men. Think of speeches and toasts, check the schedule and sequence of events. Share indebtedness to those who want to have that day be helpful (decorating, welcoming visitors ...) Previous posts on this topic can be...