
Mostly black

  Za danasnji outfit post pobrinule smo se sestre i ja.. Bez previse teksta.Uzivajte u slikama :)) For today's post outfit made sure we were sisters and I .. Without too much text. Enjoy the pictures :))


Ovaj post kasni citav jedan dan. Ali zbog obaveza,nisam stigla juce da ga izbacim. Mala sestrica je napunila 17. godina. Kako godine lete... This whole post is delayed one day. But because of the obligations, I arrived yesterday to throw him out. Little sister just turned 17 years old. As the years fly ...

Attractive designs on the walls

Mnogo mi se svidja ovaj dizajn na zidovima. A ja sam opsednuta tim. Razmisljam gde bih mogla naci ovakve tapete. Ako neko slucajno zna gde ih ima,neka mi javi. Unapred bih mu bila zahvalna. Jako dugo nije bilo posta iz rubrike Inspiration . I konacno je tu.  Many I like this design on the walls. And I'm obsessed with it. I'm thinking where I could find this kind of wallpaper. If someone accidentally know where there are any, let me know. Advance would be grateful to him. It was not very long fasting Section Inspiration . I was finally here.