
Ribbon and fringe

Cao drage moje.. stigao mi je paket sa sajta  Rosegal  . Stvari su divne, iste su kao i na sajtu. Nemam nikakvu zamerku, cak su i brojevi kao nasi. Pa da vidimo sta se naslo u paketu. Hi my dear ... I got a package from  Rosegal site. Things are wonderful, they are the same as on the site. I have no objection, even numbers like ours. So let's see what went into the package.   Prva je ova divna torbica. Volim masne tako da je ova torbica pun pogodak. Mozete je naci na  Chain Bow Crossbody Bag - Pink The first one is this wonderful purse. I love ribbon so this bag is full of hits. You can find it on  Chain Bow Crossbody Bag - Pink   Ovaj predivan ponco je univerzalne velicine. Svidja mi se sto je asimetrican i sto ima rese.  Mozete ga naci na  Asymmetric Fringed Pullover Chunky Poncho Sweater - Gray This beautiful poncho is a universal size. I like being asymmetrical and having fringed. You can find it on  Asymmetric Fringed Pullover Chunky Poncho Sw

17.10.2017. my graduation day 🎓

Konacno je dosao i taj dan. Odbrana diplomskog rada. Nakon tri godine studija postala sam inzenjer zastite zivotne sredine. Brzo je proslo. Ali naravno ne zaustavljam se na tome., vec punom parom grabim dalje. Nakon ovog dana, upisane su master studije, koje u mom slucaju traju dve godine.  Finally came that day. Defense thesis. After three years of study, I became an environmental protection engineer. Quickly passed. But of course I do not stop at it. But I'm still grabbing it with full steam. After this day, master studies were enrolled, which in my case last two years.

30.09.2017. ♥ ♥ sister's wedding day

Kako godine lete. Do juce devojcice koje mastaju o svom vencanju, vencanici iz snova, princu na belom konju. A gde smo danas?! Ko bi rekao da ce tako brzo proci sve. Da ce doci i ovaj dan. Od nas cetiri si najstarija, i prva si uplovila u bracnu luku.  How old are you? Until yesterday, girls laced about their wedding, wedding dress, a prince on a white horse. And where are we today ?! Who would say that he would go through so quickly? That this day will come. You four of us are the eldest, and you first sailed to the harbor.