
One winter day

  Nepopravljivi romantik. Pitate se zasto? Pa, smatram da je sneg jako romantican. Zima bas i ne,ali sneg da. Dok sam fotografisala osecala sam neku romanticnu atmosferu iako sam bila sama. :D Ovaj sneg budi brojnu inspiraciju u meni. Ko bi rekao,da je sada tako.                              Da li i Vi volite sneg?                             Da li Vam je romantican?                            Budi li inspiraciju u Vama, kao meni? Incorrigible romantic. Wondering why? Well, I think that the snow very romantic. Winter is not, but snow yes. While I felt I photographed a romantic atmosphere even though I was alone. : D This inspired numerous snow awakens in me. Who knew that so now.                   ...

Our 4 anniversary

  I ove godine sa malim zakasnjenjem izbacujem ovaj post. Previse obaveza je dovelo do toga da ovaj post kasni. Ali kada je ljubav u pitanju tada je sve dozvoljeno :) Vec 4 godine zivimo ovu nasu malu bajku. Kako je brzo proslo. Da ne poverujes. Sve je isto,ako ne i bolje nego prvog dana. Hvala ti, za novih 365 dana srece,paznje i ljubavi. ♥ ♥ ♥ And this year with a small delay evicting this post. Too many commitments has led to the fact that this post is late. But when it comes to love then everything is permitted :) More 4 years this live our little fairy tale. How quickly passed. Can you believe it. All the same, if not better than the first day. Thank you for the new 365 days of happiness, attention and love. ♥ ♥ ♥

Happy new year post

Drage moje i dragi moji...Srecna Vam Nova godina.. Puno zdravlja,srece,ljubavi..a sve ostalo ce doci. Sve lose iz prosle godine zaboravite, sve lepo pamtite. U Novoj godini zelim svima puno novih ideja, poslova,uspeha. Neka ova godina bude bar pola kao prosla i necemo se buniti :)) My Dear ... Happy New Year .. A lot of health, happiness, love ..and all the rest will come. All lose from last year forget, remember all nice. In the New Year I wish everyone a lot of new ideas, business, success. Let this year be at least half as passed, and we will not complain :))