Our 4 anniversary

 I ove godine sa malim zakasnjenjem izbacujem ovaj post. Previse obaveza je dovelo do toga da ovaj post kasni. Ali kada je ljubav u pitanju tada je sve dozvoljeno :)
Vec 4 godine zivimo ovu nasu malu bajku. Kako je brzo proslo. Da ne poverujes. Sve je isto,ako ne i bolje nego prvog dana. Hvala ti, za novih 365 dana srece,paznje i ljubavi. ♥ ♥ ♥

And this year with a small delay evicting this post. Too many commitments has led to the fact that this post is late. But when it comes to love then everything is permitted :)

More 4 years this live our little fairy tale. How quickly passed. Can you believe it. All the same, if not better than the first day. Thank you for the new 365 days of happiness, attention and love. ♥ ♥ ♥


Популарни постови са овог блога

Balasevic haljine