
Gazimestan je memorijalni kompleks i uzvišenje na severoistoku Prištine (626 m), pet kilometara od grada, s desne strane magistrale za Kosovsku Mitrovicu. Na njemu je vođena Kosovska bitka na Vidovdan 1389. godine.
Kao istorijski prostor odnosno centralno mesto sudara srpske i turske vojske, predstavlja jedinstvenu celinu u kojoj se nalaze: spomenik kosovskim junacima, u obliku srednjovekovne kule, podignut 1953. godine po projektu Aleksandra Deroka, Muratovo turbe i Gazimestan turbe (Barjaktarevo turbe). Na uzvisini je Spomenik kosovskim junacima, dok je kilometar prema selu Lazarevu Muratovo turbe, a na jugu, na 500 m, Barjaktarevo turbe.

Gazimestan is a memorial complex and elevation in the northeast of Pristina (626 m), five kilometers from the city, on the right side of the main road for Kosovska Mitrovica. The Kosovo Battle of Vidovdan was led in 1389.
As a historical place, or central location of the collision of the Serbian and Turkish armies, it represents a unique unit in which they are located: a monument to the Kosovo heroes, in the form of a medieval tower, built in 1953 under the project of Alexander Deroek, Muratovo turbe and Gazimestan turbe (Barjaktarevo turbe). On the heights there is a Monument to the Kins of Heroes, while a kilometer towards the village of Lazarevo Muratovo turbe, and in the south, at 500 m, Barjaktarevo turbe.


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