Gracanica Monastery

Manastir Gračanicu je sagradio Sv. Kralj Milutin 1310. godine i posvetio je Uspenju Presvete Bogorodice. Manastir se nalazi u selu Gračanica. Posle Drugog svetskog rata, manastir su obnovile monahinje i od tada on služi kao ženski manastir. Danas u njemu živi oko 20 sestara koje se bave ikonopisanjem, vezom, poljoprivredom i drugim monaškim poslušanjima.Crkva manastira Gračanica je građevina sa pet kubeta sa osnovom upisanog krsta, te kao takva pripada grupi prvoklasnih arhitektonskih ostvarenja svoga vremena. Spoljna priprata je sagrađena u krajem 14. veka u vreme Sv. Kneza Lazara. U 16. veku priprata je oslikana freskama.

The Monastery of Gračanica was built by Sv. King Milutin in 1310 and dedicated himself to the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos. The monastery is located in the village of Gračanica. After the Second World War, the monastery was restored by the nuns and since then it serves as a female monastery. Today, there are about 20 sisters dealing with iconography, connection, agriculture and other monastic listings. The Church of the Gračanica monastery is a building with five cubits with the basis of the inscribed cross, and as such belongs to the group of first class architectural achievements of its time. The outdoor washed was built in the end of the 14th century at the time of Sv. Prince Lazarus. In the 16th century, it was painted with frescoes.


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