New Year's decoration of the table / Inspiration

Iz godine u godinu sve se vise zanimam za dekorisanje uopste. Sada kada nam stizu Novogodisnji praznici, odlucila sam da se vise pozabavim dekoracijom kuce nego inace.. Pocela sam da guglam sta bih to mogla promeniti u odnosu na proslu godinu. Sta bih mogla dodati.. I odlucila sam sve. Necu menjati boje ukrasa na jelki. Vec cu paznju posvetiti kupovini novih ukrasa za svaki deo kuce.. Ovaj post ce mi biti inspiracija za dekoraciju stola, posto kod nas u porodici je vec tradicionalno odrzavanje Novogodisnje vecere. Nadam se da ce i Vama ovaj post biti od koristi. I da vas obradujem, ovog meseca ce biti vise postova i svi ce biti u Novogodisnjem stilu. 

Every year I'm more and more interested in decoration at all. Now that New Year's holidays are coming to us, I decided to make more of a house decoration more than anyway. I started to figure out what I could change in relation to last year. What could I add ... And I decided everything. I will not change the colors of the decoration on the fir. I will already pay attention to the purchase of new decorations for every part of the house .. This post will be my inspiration for the decoration of the table, since in our family tradition is already a traditional New Year's dinner. I hope that this post will be of use to you too. And to process you, this month there will be more posts and everyone will be in the New Year's style.


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