Opet lakovi za nokte. Ovaj put za Vas imam novu marku koju sam otkrila. To je Malena. Slucajno sam je otkrila dok sam leto provodila na Zlatiboru. Naravno posto su mi se svidele boje, morala sam sebi da priustim barem jednu boju. U pocetku sam bila skepticna kako ce se lak pokazati. I moram priznati da sam se jako iznenadila kako je postojan na noktu. Za svoju cenu je i vise nego solidan, a ja ne odustajem od ideje da svoju kolekciju upotpunim jos nekim bojama. Gde mozete naci ove lakove? Pa pitanje je jako jednostavno. U lily drogerijama. Za Dm drogerije nisam sigurna da li ima, nisam proveravala, ako neko jeste, i zna, neka tu informaciju podeli sa nama. U nastavku cu vam ostaviti link sajta Malena kozmetike da mozete da se upoznate sa njihovim proizvodima, a ja sam za vas izdvojila neke po mene lepe slicice. Malena Cosmetics

Again nail polishes . This time you have a new brand that I discovered . It is Malena . I accidentally discovered when I spent the summer on Zlatibor . Of course, percent liked the colors , I had not afford at least one color . At first I was skeptical that will be easy to show . And I must admit I was very surprised at how stable the nail. For its price is more than solid , and I'm not giving up on the idea that your collection complete my few other colors. Where you can find these paints ? So the question is very simple. The lily drugstores . DM drugstores 'm not sure whether there is , I have not checked if someone did , and he should share that information with us. Below you 'll leave a link site Malena cosmetics that you can become familiar with their products , and I set aside for you to get me some nice pictures. Malena Cosmetics
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