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Lavani couture
Danas cu sa vama podeliti moje omiljene haljine,jos jedne mlade dizajnerke. Ona je Jelena Kalinic, mlada devojka koja je iz dana u dan sve popularnija svojim kreacijama. Njen asortiman se proteze od klasicnih kratkih haljinica, dugih vecernjih ili koktel haljina, pa cak i vencanica. Mozda jos uvek ne znate ko je ona. Verujem da vam je naziv Lavani couture vise poznatiji. Da njen brend se tako zove. Njene haljine mozete pogledati na facebook i instagram . Today I will share with you my favorite dresses, another young designer. She Jelena Kalinic, a young girl who is every day more popular their creations. Its range extends from classic short dresses, long evening or cocktail dress and even wedding dresses. Maybe you still do not know who she is. I trust the name Lavani couture more commonly known. To its brand that name. Her dresses can be seen on facebook and instagram .
New Year's wreaths for the door / Inspiration
Venac za vrata je nesto sto me iz godine u godinu sve vise odusevljava. A ove slike su zaista predivne..Tako da ove godine trazicu idealan novogodisnji venac za vrata moje kuce. The door wrench is something that keeps me going from year to year. And these pictures are really beautiful ... So this year I'm looking for an ideal New Year's wreath for the door of my house.
Hello, my name is Lucy and I´m blogger from Czech Republic.
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