Organization Weddings 12-6 months earlier

Ko planira vencanje nadam se da ce mu ovaj post biti od koristi. Naravno dosta njih ne planira vencanje ovoliko dugo, ali za one koji sve hoce polako, najbolje je sa pripremama krenuti najkasnije 6 meseci ranije,u najboljem slucaju 10-12 meseci je idealno.

Prvo i osnovno je da se obavesti porodica o vasoj odluci., pripremite porodicni rucak na kojem se dogovarate o svemu, obavestite buduce kumove. Kada to sve odradite pozeljno je da okvirno odredite datum, budzet, broj zvanica. Takodje morate odluciti kakav stil vencanja zelite (da li je to tradicionalno vencanje ili pak neka zurka..). Sada na red dolazi zakazivanje vencanja kod maticara i u crkvi.
Posle svega toga treba odabrati i rezervisati restoran, muziku, fotografa i snimatelja. 
Mlade bi vec sad trebale da razmisljaju o vencanici za taj dan.

When planning a wedding I hope you will put this post helpful. Of course, a lot of them are not planning a wedding for so long, but for those who want everything easy, it is best to start with the preparations at least 6 months earlier, at best 10-12 months is ideal.

First and foremost is to inform the family about your decision., Prepare a family meal where you arrange everything, let the future godparents. When you have completed all the desirable is that roughly define the date, budget, number of guests. You must also decide what style of wedding you want (whether it is a traditional wedding or a party ..). Now comes the scheduling of the wedding at the registrar and the church.
After all that needs to select and book a restaurant, music, photographers and cameramen.
The bride should be more sad to think about the wedding dress for the this day.


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