Organization Weddings 6-3 months earlier

U periodu izmedju 6 i 3 meseca pred vencanje biste trebali da osmislite okvirnu satnicu i redosled dogadjaja. Napravite listu zvanica. Odaberete i izradite pozivnice, posaljete pozivnice. Organizujete prevoz za vencanje (limuzina, kocije...). Po zelji uplatite putovanje na medeni mesec. Posle svega prethodno treba da odaberete cvece (za mladenacki sto, ostale stolove, dvoriste, bidermajer...) Kada odaberete cvece treba da definisete dekoraciju prostora i vozila (baloni, masne, peskiri, trake...). Odaberite kicenje i pokloncice za svatove (ruzmarin, narukvice, cvetici, deverski peskir, platna, cvet za mladozenju i kumove...). I na samom kraju utvrdite specijalne efekte i organizujete njihovu realizaciju (vatromet, dim, baloncice, konfete).
Nadam se da su Vam ovakvi postovi od koristi. Sta treba da odradite 12-6 meseci ranije mozete procitati OVDE .

In the period between 3 and 6 months before the wedding you should come up with an outline timetable and sequence of events. Make a list of invitees. Select and create invitations, send invitations. Organize transport for the wedding (sedan, carriage ...). If you wish, pay a trip to the honeymoon. After all, you first need to choose flowers (for youthful table, other tables, garden, bouquet ...) When you select the flowers need to define decoration premises and vehicles (balloons, fatty, towels, belts ...). Select decorating and gift for the wedding party (rosemary, bracelets, bouquet, deverski towel, cloth, flower for the groom and best men ...). And in the end determine the special effects and organize their implementation (fireworks, smoke, bubbles, confetti).

I hope that you benefit from these posts. What do I have to run the 12-6 months before you can read HERE .


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