Pasuljijada Veliko Gradiste
Moja buduca kuca... xDDD Hahahaa...salim se...
Jako mi se svidja izgled ove kuce,kako spolja tako i unutra. Ako se pitate kako znam,pogledajte OVDE.
My future house ... xDDD Hahahaa ... just kidding...
I like the look of this house, both outside and inside. If you're wondering how I look HERE.
Negde na putu ni otkuda nigde. Salim se. Pesacili smo 3 kilometara, ne bi li stigli do Velikog Gradista.
Somewhere along the way nowhere anywhere. Just kidding. We walked for 3 kilometers, in order to get to the Veliko Gradiste.
Nismo bili sigurni da li je ovo pravi put, ali odlucili smo da se upustimo u ovu avanturu.
We were not sure whether this is the right path, but we decided to embark on this adventure.
Volim istoriju pa sam malo istrazivala o nastanku Velikog Gradista. Sa Vama cu podeliti istoriju tog grada. Vecina materijala preuzeta je iz књиге „Велико Градиште“,
аутора Жарка Живановића и Боре Радовановића, i sa njihovog sajta.
Pripremanjem ovog posta dosta novog sam naucila o ovom mestu. Nadam se da cete i Vi nauciti nesto novo.
I love history, so I researched a little about the origin of Veliko Gradiste. With you gonna share the history of the city. Most of the material was taken from the book "Veliko Gradiste",
author Zarko Zivanovic and Boro Radovanovic and on their website.
Preparing this post I learned many new things about this place. I hope that you will learn something new.
Nema sumnje da je Veliko Gradiste grad sa bogatom i vrednom kulturno istorijskom tradicijom i brojnim osobenostima koje su se dugo pamtile i prepricavale. Nastalo u vreme Rimljana, imalo je veoma dinamicnu i zanimljivu istoriju.
There is no doubt that the Veliko Gradiste city with a rich and valuable cultural and historical tradition and numerous characteristics that are long remembered and retold. The resulting at the time of the Romans, had a very dynamic and interesting history.
Doba Pinkuma (Rimsko Doba) U prvoj polovini prvog veka tragajuci za rudama u ove krajeve dosli su i Rimljani. Za cetiri veka zivljenja na ovim prostorima sagradili su mnoga manja i veca utvrdjenja oko kojih su se razvili gradovi. Kaze se da su na svakom prirodno lepom mestu pravili svoje naseobine povezujuci ih dobrim saobracajnicama. I ovde, na uscu Peka u Dunav, Rimljani su podigli kameno vojno utvrdjenje – kastel. Na ovom mestu pruzao se pescani rt koji je, po svoj prilici, predstvaljao jedini visi deo zemljista koje su okruzivali Dunav, Pek i okolne barustine. Tako je Pinkum, osim geografskog, imao i strateski znacaj. Sva ova utvdjenja, sa manjim ili vecim naseljima koja su se uz njih formirala, ulazila su u sastav Gornje Mezije cije je sediste bilo u Viminacijumu, danasnjem Kostolcu.
U pocetku svog osnivanja i Pinkum kao i ostala naselja imala su sva istu vaznost. Ali, bogata dolina pored reke i put koji je njome vodio izdigli su ovaj mali gradic. Svoj najveci uspon – svoje zlatno doba ovaj grad je doziveo za vreme rimskog cara Hadrijana. Za razliku od Viminacijuma koji je bio minicipijum, Pinkum je uzivao naklonost i samog cara, koji ga je i sam posetio. Pinkum je u to vreme bio rudarski centar. Ipak, najveci kuriozitet ovog rimskog grada je sto je u njemu kovan i poseban bakarni novac. Po velicini on spada u grupu „male bronze“. Zbog svoje retkosti ovaj mali novcic veličine 15 ili 19 mm za numiznaticare predstavlja izuzetno bogatstvo. Zna se da postoji samo pet primeraka koji se nalaze u Becu, Berlinu, Londonu i Beogradu.
Pinkum Time (Roman time) In the first half of the first century, searching for minerals in this area came to the Romans. For four centuries of life in these parts built many smaller and larger forts around which were developed cities. It is said that in every naturally beautiful place rules of their settlement by linking them with good roads. And here, at the confluence of the Pek and Danube, the Romans built a military fortress of stone - a castle. At this point, provided the sand cape that is, presumably, were represented only the higher part of the land surrounding the Danube, Pek and surrounding marshes. Thus Pinkum except geographic, had a strategic importance. All these utvđenja, with smaller or larger settlements that were formed with them, entered into the composition of the Upper Moesia whose headquarters were in Viminacium, today Kostolac.
In the beginning of its establishment and Pinkum and other settlements had all the same importance. But the rich valley of the river and the road that led it lifted this small town. Its growth - its golden age the city suffered during the Roman emperor Hadrian. Unlike Viminacijuma who was minicipijum, Pinkum enjoyed the favor and the emperor, who had himself visited. Pinkum at that time was a mining center. However, the biggest curiosity of this Roman city is what's in it forged a special copper coins. Largest on belongs to the group of "small bronze". Because of their rarity this small coin size of 15 or 19 mm for numiznatičare represent an extraordinary wealth. It is known that there are only five copies of which are located in Vienna, Berlin, London and Belgrade.
Srednji vek U srednjem veku. Pek, Podunavlje, Stig i deo Pomoravlja sacinjavali su oblast Branicevo. Tako se zvao i glavni grad po kome je i citava oblast dobila ime. Podignut je najverovatnije na ostacima rimskog Viminacijuma. Cinjenica da su se o njega otimali Madjari, Bugari i Grci, potvrdjuje veliki znacaj ovog lepog i bogatog grada koji je zbog toga cesto bio rusen i pljackan.
The Middle Ages In the Middle Ages. Pek, Danube, Morava Stig part consisted of power Branicevo. That was the name and the capital by which the entire area was named. It was built probably on the remains of the Roman Viminacium. The fact that they robbed him of Hungarians, Bulgarians and Greeks, confirms the great significance of this beautiful and rich city that is because often been destroyed and looted.

XIX Vek U prvom srpskom ustanku ucestvovao je veliki broj zitelja. Treba znati da je Veliko Gradiste bilo jedno od prvih oslobodjenih mesta.
Veliko Gradiste 1826. godine posetio je nas poznati spisatelj Joakim Vujic. Tom prilikom on je izmedju ostalog zabelezio: „Ova varosica lezi na reki Dunavu i moze mati do 200 domova. Ima ravno i neke ducane, simirdzinice i mexane, pak svake nedelje i praznika ovde biva vasar. Na sredi ove varosice nahode se jedna cerkva koja je mnogokratno bila od Turaka popaljena i robljena i opet vozdravljena… Preko puta nahodi je dobro urezdena skola sa 30 ucenika i ucitelja“.
U dva navrata putujući po Srbiji, Veliko Gradiste je posetio i austijski putopisac Feliks Kanic. Prilikom svoje posete oktobra 1887. godine on je zabelezio da je predsednik opštine bio narodni poslanik Rafailo Mihajlovic. Medjutim on je pogresno naveo prezime Rafailovic. Putujuci kopnom i rekom ovaj slavni putopisac, na koga su se pozivali mnogi kasniji istrazivaci, ostavio je sadzajan opis ovog grada i zivota u njemu. Posebno ga je impresionirala lepo uredjena duga carsija za koju kaze „da je uredila neka dobra domacinska ruka“. Iz tog vremena iz drugih izvora ostalo je zabelezeno koliko se duga borba vodila oko stare i nove carsije. Kanic je bio narocito iznenadjen sa lepo uredjenim kucama i magazama a tu je bila i jedna lepa kafana, besprekorno odrzavano svratiste za goste. Kanic govori o Velikoj Pijaci.
Spominje se i lepa crkva koja je sagradjena 1847. godine, a da je njen toranj bio porusen u jakom zemljotersu koji je ovaj grad zadesio 1879. godine.
U monotoni zivot i svakodnevne brige nenadano je dosla vest da će na putu za Petrograd i Moskvu Gradiste posetiti kralj koji ce brodom tuda proci. U svim mestima na obali Dunava pocele su obimne pripreme da ga sa obale narod pozdravi i pozeli mu srecan put u daleku Rusiju. Maloletni kralj Aleksandar Obrenovic iz Beograda, 10. jula 1891. godine, je posao brodom „Sofija“ u pratnji kraljevskog namesnika Jovana Ristica i predsednika vlade Nikole Pasica. Na celom putu bio je odusevljeno pozdravljen od naroda koji je izasao u velikom broju na obalu Dunava i mahanjem ruku i pucanjem topova i prangija davao izraze radosti. Iz Smedervskog grada gruvali su topovi, a kod Rama na obalu je izasao narod sa crkvenom litijom. Ali, Gradistanci su organizovali poseban docek. Do Rama dosli su mu u susret u posebnim vencima i cvecem iskicenom brodu. Na palubi je svirala muzika a talasima reke prolamala se pesma Pevacke druzine. Tom prilikom kralju je urucen pismeni pozdrav velikogradistanskih gradjana sa izrazima vernosti. Ovaj cvetni brod kralja je pratio od Rama pa sve do ispod Pozezena. I na keju u Velikom Gradistu bila je nepregledna masa sveta koja je klicala „Ziveo“ i „Srecan put“.
XIX Vek In the first Serbian uprising involved a large number of residents. You must know that Veliko Gradiste was one of the first liberated city.
Veliko Gradiste 1826 visited our famous writer Joakim Vujic. On that occasion he noted among other things: "This small town lies on the river Danube and the mother can be up to 200 homes. There are just some shops, simirdžinice MeXan and in turn every week and holidays here stays fair. In the middle of this little town sniffing is a church that has repeatedly been burnt by the Turks and edged again vozdravljena ... Across sniffing is well ureždena school with 30 pupils and a teacher. "
On two occasions traveling through Serbia Veliko Gradiste has visited Austria's traveler Felix Kanitz. During his visit in October 1887, he noted that the Mayor was deputy Rafailo Mihajlović. But he was misquoted surname Rafailović. Travelling by land and river this famous travel writer, whom they invited many subsequent researchers, he left sadžajan description of our city and life in it. He was particularly impressed by a beautiful rainbow decorated the bazaar, which he says "that regulate some good home-arm". From that time, the rest from other sources is recorded how long struggle led around the old and new of the. Kanitz was especially surprised with the beautifully decorated houses and storehouses and there was also a nice cafe, immaculately maintained inn for guests. Kanic talks about the large market.
Reference is also beautiful church that was built in 1847, and that its tower was demolished in a strong earthquake who struck this city in 1879.
In the monotonous life and everyday worries suddenly came news that on his way to Petrograd and Moscow Gradište visit the king to the boat go that way. In all the places on the banks of the Danube began extensive preparations to greet the coast of the nation and wished him a safe journey to distant Russia. Juvenile king Aleksandar Obrenovic from Belgrade, 10 July 1891, he went by boat "Sofia", accompanied by the royal governor Jovan Ristic and Prime Minister Nikola Pasic. On the whole journey was enthusiastically welcomed by the people who came out in large numbers on the banks of the Danube, and waved his hand and firing cannons and prangija gave expressions of joy. From Smedervskog cannons pounded the city, and at Rama came ashore nation with church lithium. But Gradistanac organized a special reception. To Ram came to meet him in special garlands and flowers dressed ship. On the deck is playing music a river waves rolled through the song The singing family. On that occasion, the king was handed a written greeting people with expressions of loyalty. This flower boat followed the king of Rama until Pozezena below. And on the quay in Veliko Gradiste was vast crowds who cheered "Lived" and "Have a nice trip." From flowers and flags decorated by the city heard the mortars.
Kultura Veliko Gradiste je jedno od mesta koje je je veoma bogato kulturnim sadrzajem. Razlog za to mora da lezi u veoma dugoj i lepoj tradiciji negovanja kulture. Najveci doprinos kulturi u danasnjem Velikom Gradistu nesumljivo je dala Biblioteka „Vuk Karadzic“ koja je svojevrsni hram kulture ovih prostora. Biblioteka poseduje citaonicu, i veliki broj knjiga i druge arhivske i neknjizne gradje. Pored nje se nalazi i galerija Milana Besarabica, muzeolosko odeljenje, kao i likovna galerija. Biblioteka je vec dugi niz godina svojevrsni organizator i pokrovitelj mnogih kulturnih desavanja. Danas je u Velikom Gradistu aktivan Kulturni centar koji u okviru koga radi Folklorni ansambl „Vlastimir Pavlovic Carevac“ i amatersko pozoriste“Zanka Stokic“.
Culture Veliko Gradiste is one of the places that has a very rich cultural content. The reason for this must lie in a very long and beautiful tradition of cultivating culture. The largest contribution to culture in today's Veliko Gradiste undoubtedly gave the Library "Vuk Karadzic", which is a kind of temple culture of the area. The library has a reading room, and a large number of books and other archival and non-book materials. Beside it there is a gallery of Milan Besarabić, museological department, as well as an art gallery. The library was for many years a kind of organizer and sponsor of many cultural events. Today in Veliko Gradiste active cultural center in which like Folklore Ensemble "Vlastimir Pavlović Carevac" and amateur theater "Zanka Stokic".
Sport Svaka prica o sportskom zivotu u gradu navodi i na konstataciju da se na prste mogu izbrojati gradovi koji imaju ovako brojan i raznovrstan sportski zivot. Sportsko drustvo VGSK pod svojim krovom okuplja devet sportskih klubova. Najstariji je fudbalski klub koji je osnovan 1924. godine. Slavu grada najdalje su proneli odbojkasi koji su bili Jugoslovenski sampioni, a i sada su u Prvoj saveznoj ligi. Odnedavno se mogu pohvaliti i zenskom odbojkaskom ekipom. Tu su i rukometasice, sahisti, karatisti, Jahting klub. U svim ovim klubovima trenira oko 500 aktivnih sportista sto je oko 9% ukupne populacije grada.
Sport Each story of sports life in the city states and the conclusion that can be counted on the fingers of cities that have such a numerous and varied sporting life. Sport Society VGSK gathers under its roof nine sports clubs. It is the oldest football club founded in 1924. The glory of the city as far spread the volleyball players who were champions of Yugoslavia, and are now in the First Federal League. Since recently can boast offer women's volleyball team. There are also handball, chess, karate, Yachting club. In all these clubs to train about 500 active athletes which is about 9% of the total population of the city.
Veliko Gradiste je pristaniste za sve strane brodove koji Dunavom dolaze iz crnomorskih luka na putu za Bec i obratno. nadamo se da ce ovaj grad kao luka puno dobiti na znacaju kada bude proradio kanal Dunav-Rajna-Majna. U Gradistu je i carinarnica, pa je i to razlog da sve bele lepotice na svom putu obavezno, krace ili duze, zastanu u njemu. Kod Velikog Gradista uliva se i reka Pek u Dunav. Izgradnjom HE Djerdap i podizanjem nivoa Dunava, na uscu Peka formirao se zaliv koji je vrlo brzo postao veliko staniste za mnoge pticje vrste. Od Velikog Gradista, pored Dunava do usca Peka, pa i dalje uzvodno, izgradjen je odbrambeni nasip koji je istovremeno i lepo setaliste obalom Dunava.
Veliko Gradiste is a dock for all foreign ships on the Danube from the Black Sea port on their way to Vienna and vice versa. We hope that this city as a port to get a lot of importance when it kicked Danube-Rhine-Main. In the Gradiste and customs, so this is the reason that all white beauties on their way mandatory, shorter or longer pause in it. At Veliko Gradiste flows into the river Pek into Danube. The construction of the Djerdap hydroelectric power plant and the level of the Danube River, at the mouth of the bay Peka formed which soon became a great habitat for many bird species. From Veliko Gradiste, near the Danube River to the mouth of Baking, and further upstream, built dikes that is both beautiful promenade along the coast of the Danube.
Nekada je ovaj kraj bio veoma bogat sumama. Medjutim, one danas zahvataju jedva oko 200 hektara. Preovladava relativno mlada bagremova suma. Po njoj i i poznato izletiste Beli Bagrem dobilo ime. Od sela Rama preko Zatonja, Velikog Gradista i Pozezena do Golupca prostire se Ramsko-golubacka pescara ukupne duzine 70 kilometara. Opstina obiluje i brojnim lovnim terenima u kojima preovladava niska divljac, a u izobilju ima i pernate divljaci.
Once this region was very rich in forests. However, they now affect only about 200 hectare. The prevailing relatively young acacia forests. According to her, the famous resort White Acacia named. From the village of Ram over Zatonj, Veliko Gradiste and Golubac to Požeženo extends the Rama-Golubac sandstone total length of 70 kilometers. The municipality is rich and numerous hunting grounds in which the prevailing low venison, and the abundance of game and game birds.
Carevcevi dani su tradicionalna muzicka manifestacija posvecena Vlastimiru Pavlovicu Carevcu, osnivacu Narodnog orkestra Radio Beograda. Odrzava se tokom jula meseca, svake godine, u Velikom Gradistu.
What is completely dominates this city's park, decorated in 1908. located near the quay on the Danube, behind the central square. In this park there are also several monuments: the monument dedicated to the soldiers from the Balkan and World Wars, Monument to the soldiers of the First World War, Monument violinist Vlastimir Pavlovic Carevac.
Pasuljijada je manifestacija turisticko – zabavnog karaktera koja brendira poznatu vrstu pasulja „Gradistanca“, najboljeg pasulja koji se proizvodi u nasoj zemlji i koji nosi ime po ovom kraju. Da bi zastitili ime pasulja, velikogradistanci su osmislili takmicenje u kuvanju pasulja po utvrdjenim propozicijama, manifestaciju koja je postala tradicionalna.Preko 50 takmicarskih ekipa se takmice u pripremanju pasulja „Gradistanca“ , uz ucesce Vojske Srbije koja priprema cuveni „vojnicki pasulj“. Na manifesaciji je organizovan i kulturno – umetnicki program na letnjoj sceni.
Pasuljijada is a manifestation of a tourist - entertaining character who brand the famous kind of beans "Gradistanac" best beans produced in our country and which is named after the town. In order to protect the name of the bean, velikogradistanci have devised a competition in cooking beans according to the established rules, the event that has become traditional. Over 50 competitive teams compete in cooking beans "Gradistanac", with the participation of the Army of Serbia which prepares the famous "military cakewalk." On manifestation organized and culturally - artistic program on the summer stage.
I za kraj da Vas mom Youtube kanalu izbacen je video sa krstarenja.
And finally to you good tidings ..on my Youtube channel sacked the video with the cruise.
Jako mi se svidja izgled ove kuce,kako spolja tako i unutra. Ako se pitate kako znam,pogledajte OVDE.
My future house ... xDDD Hahahaa ... just kidding...
I like the look of this house, both outside and inside. If you're wondering how I look HERE.
Negde na putu ni otkuda nigde. Salim se. Pesacili smo 3 kilometara, ne bi li stigli do Velikog Gradista.
Somewhere along the way nowhere anywhere. Just kidding. We walked for 3 kilometers, in order to get to the Veliko Gradiste.
Nismo bili sigurni da li je ovo pravi put, ali odlucili smo da se upustimo u ovu avanturu.
We were not sure whether this is the right path, but we decided to embark on this adventure.
Volim istoriju pa sam malo istrazivala o nastanku Velikog Gradista. Sa Vama cu podeliti istoriju tog grada. Vecina materijala preuzeta je iz књиге „Велико Градиште“,
аутора Жарка Живановића и Боре Радовановића, i sa njihovog sajta.
Pripremanjem ovog posta dosta novog sam naucila o ovom mestu. Nadam se da cete i Vi nauciti nesto novo.
I love history, so I researched a little about the origin of Veliko Gradiste. With you gonna share the history of the city. Most of the material was taken from the book "Veliko Gradiste",
author Zarko Zivanovic and Boro Radovanovic and on their website.
Preparing this post I learned many new things about this place. I hope that you will learn something new.
Nema sumnje da je Veliko Gradiste grad sa bogatom i vrednom kulturno istorijskom tradicijom i brojnim osobenostima koje su se dugo pamtile i prepricavale. Nastalo u vreme Rimljana, imalo je veoma dinamicnu i zanimljivu istoriju.
There is no doubt that the Veliko Gradiste city with a rich and valuable cultural and historical tradition and numerous characteristics that are long remembered and retold. The resulting at the time of the Romans, had a very dynamic and interesting history.
Doba Pinkuma (Rimsko Doba) U prvoj polovini prvog veka tragajuci za rudama u ove krajeve dosli su i Rimljani. Za cetiri veka zivljenja na ovim prostorima sagradili su mnoga manja i veca utvrdjenja oko kojih su se razvili gradovi. Kaze se da su na svakom prirodno lepom mestu pravili svoje naseobine povezujuci ih dobrim saobracajnicama. I ovde, na uscu Peka u Dunav, Rimljani su podigli kameno vojno utvrdjenje – kastel. Na ovom mestu pruzao se pescani rt koji je, po svoj prilici, predstvaljao jedini visi deo zemljista koje su okruzivali Dunav, Pek i okolne barustine. Tako je Pinkum, osim geografskog, imao i strateski znacaj. Sva ova utvdjenja, sa manjim ili vecim naseljima koja su se uz njih formirala, ulazila su u sastav Gornje Mezije cije je sediste bilo u Viminacijumu, danasnjem Kostolcu.
U pocetku svog osnivanja i Pinkum kao i ostala naselja imala su sva istu vaznost. Ali, bogata dolina pored reke i put koji je njome vodio izdigli su ovaj mali gradic. Svoj najveci uspon – svoje zlatno doba ovaj grad je doziveo za vreme rimskog cara Hadrijana. Za razliku od Viminacijuma koji je bio minicipijum, Pinkum je uzivao naklonost i samog cara, koji ga je i sam posetio. Pinkum je u to vreme bio rudarski centar. Ipak, najveci kuriozitet ovog rimskog grada je sto je u njemu kovan i poseban bakarni novac. Po velicini on spada u grupu „male bronze“. Zbog svoje retkosti ovaj mali novcic veličine 15 ili 19 mm za numiznaticare predstavlja izuzetno bogatstvo. Zna se da postoji samo pet primeraka koji se nalaze u Becu, Berlinu, Londonu i Beogradu.
Pinkum Time (Roman time) In the first half of the first century, searching for minerals in this area came to the Romans. For four centuries of life in these parts built many smaller and larger forts around which were developed cities. It is said that in every naturally beautiful place rules of their settlement by linking them with good roads. And here, at the confluence of the Pek and Danube, the Romans built a military fortress of stone - a castle. At this point, provided the sand cape that is, presumably, were represented only the higher part of the land surrounding the Danube, Pek and surrounding marshes. Thus Pinkum except geographic, had a strategic importance. All these utvđenja, with smaller or larger settlements that were formed with them, entered into the composition of the Upper Moesia whose headquarters were in Viminacium, today Kostolac.
In the beginning of its establishment and Pinkum and other settlements had all the same importance. But the rich valley of the river and the road that led it lifted this small town. Its growth - its golden age the city suffered during the Roman emperor Hadrian. Unlike Viminacijuma who was minicipijum, Pinkum enjoyed the favor and the emperor, who had himself visited. Pinkum at that time was a mining center. However, the biggest curiosity of this Roman city is what's in it forged a special copper coins. Largest on belongs to the group of "small bronze". Because of their rarity this small coin size of 15 or 19 mm for numiznatičare represent an extraordinary wealth. It is known that there are only five copies of which are located in Vienna, Berlin, London and Belgrade.
Srednji vek U srednjem veku. Pek, Podunavlje, Stig i deo Pomoravlja sacinjavali su oblast Branicevo. Tako se zvao i glavni grad po kome je i citava oblast dobila ime. Podignut je najverovatnije na ostacima rimskog Viminacijuma. Cinjenica da su se o njega otimali Madjari, Bugari i Grci, potvrdjuje veliki znacaj ovog lepog i bogatog grada koji je zbog toga cesto bio rusen i pljackan.
The Middle Ages In the Middle Ages. Pek, Danube, Morava Stig part consisted of power Branicevo. That was the name and the capital by which the entire area was named. It was built probably on the remains of the Roman Viminacium. The fact that they robbed him of Hungarians, Bulgarians and Greeks, confirms the great significance of this beautiful and rich city that is because often been destroyed and looted.

XVI – XVII Vek Dolazak Austrijanaca odmah je doneo i novu organizaciju vlasti tako što su stvorene upravno finansijske oblasti – distrikti. Tako je formiran i „Gradistanski distrikt“ od 13 naseljenih i 5 opustelih mesta. I Ramski distrikt od 15 naseljenih ima 2 opustela sela. Cinovnici su, po pravilu, morali znati srpski jezik sto je bila retkost jer su sluzbenici dolazili po kazni. Neretko, bili su to i okoreli pljackasi pa je Srbima bilo teze no pod Turcima.
Od carskih prihoda veoma znacajan je bio prihod od prodaje soli. Prodaja soli bila je drzavni monopol. Beograd je bio glavna stanica, a filijale za njegovu prodaju bile su u Pozarevcu, Sapcu, Gradistu i Valjevu. Novi rat izmedju Austrije i Turske pocinje 1787. godine koji je u nasem narodu poznat kao Kocina krajina.
XVI - XVII Century Arrival Austrians immediately brought a new government organization created by the financial administrative authorities - districts. Thus was formed the "Gradistanski district" of 13 inhabited and 5 deserted city. I Ram District 15 has 2 abandoned populated villages. Clerks are, as a rule, have to know Serbian language which was rare because officials came as punishment. Often, they were stiff and robbers but the Serbs were no weight under the Turks.From imperial arrival was very significant revenue from the sale of salt. Sales of salt was a state monopoly. Belgrade was the main stations and affiliates for the sale were in Pozarevac, Sabac, Gradiste and Valjevo. A new war between Austria and Turkey started in 1787, which is in our nation known as Cochin landscape.
Veliko Gradiste 1826. godine posetio je nas poznati spisatelj Joakim Vujic. Tom prilikom on je izmedju ostalog zabelezio: „Ova varosica lezi na reki Dunavu i moze mati do 200 domova. Ima ravno i neke ducane, simirdzinice i mexane, pak svake nedelje i praznika ovde biva vasar. Na sredi ove varosice nahode se jedna cerkva koja je mnogokratno bila od Turaka popaljena i robljena i opet vozdravljena… Preko puta nahodi je dobro urezdena skola sa 30 ucenika i ucitelja“.
U dva navrata putujući po Srbiji, Veliko Gradiste je posetio i austijski putopisac Feliks Kanic. Prilikom svoje posete oktobra 1887. godine on je zabelezio da je predsednik opštine bio narodni poslanik Rafailo Mihajlovic. Medjutim on je pogresno naveo prezime Rafailovic. Putujuci kopnom i rekom ovaj slavni putopisac, na koga su se pozivali mnogi kasniji istrazivaci, ostavio je sadzajan opis ovog grada i zivota u njemu. Posebno ga je impresionirala lepo uredjena duga carsija za koju kaze „da je uredila neka dobra domacinska ruka“. Iz tog vremena iz drugih izvora ostalo je zabelezeno koliko se duga borba vodila oko stare i nove carsije. Kanic je bio narocito iznenadjen sa lepo uredjenim kucama i magazama a tu je bila i jedna lepa kafana, besprekorno odrzavano svratiste za goste. Kanic govori o Velikoj Pijaci.
Spominje se i lepa crkva koja je sagradjena 1847. godine, a da je njen toranj bio porusen u jakom zemljotersu koji je ovaj grad zadesio 1879. godine.
U monotoni zivot i svakodnevne brige nenadano je dosla vest da će na putu za Petrograd i Moskvu Gradiste posetiti kralj koji ce brodom tuda proci. U svim mestima na obali Dunava pocele su obimne pripreme da ga sa obale narod pozdravi i pozeli mu srecan put u daleku Rusiju. Maloletni kralj Aleksandar Obrenovic iz Beograda, 10. jula 1891. godine, je posao brodom „Sofija“ u pratnji kraljevskog namesnika Jovana Ristica i predsednika vlade Nikole Pasica. Na celom putu bio je odusevljeno pozdravljen od naroda koji je izasao u velikom broju na obalu Dunava i mahanjem ruku i pucanjem topova i prangija davao izraze radosti. Iz Smedervskog grada gruvali su topovi, a kod Rama na obalu je izasao narod sa crkvenom litijom. Ali, Gradistanci su organizovali poseban docek. Do Rama dosli su mu u susret u posebnim vencima i cvecem iskicenom brodu. Na palubi je svirala muzika a talasima reke prolamala se pesma Pevacke druzine. Tom prilikom kralju je urucen pismeni pozdrav velikogradistanskih gradjana sa izrazima vernosti. Ovaj cvetni brod kralja je pratio od Rama pa sve do ispod Pozezena. I na keju u Velikom Gradistu bila je nepregledna masa sveta koja je klicala „Ziveo“ i „Srecan put“.
XIX Vek In the first Serbian uprising involved a large number of residents. You must know that Veliko Gradiste was one of the first liberated city.
Veliko Gradiste 1826 visited our famous writer Joakim Vujic. On that occasion he noted among other things: "This small town lies on the river Danube and the mother can be up to 200 homes. There are just some shops, simirdžinice MeXan and in turn every week and holidays here stays fair. In the middle of this little town sniffing is a church that has repeatedly been burnt by the Turks and edged again vozdravljena ... Across sniffing is well ureždena school with 30 pupils and a teacher. "
On two occasions traveling through Serbia Veliko Gradiste has visited Austria's traveler Felix Kanitz. During his visit in October 1887, he noted that the Mayor was deputy Rafailo Mihajlović. But he was misquoted surname Rafailović. Travelling by land and river this famous travel writer, whom they invited many subsequent researchers, he left sadžajan description of our city and life in it. He was particularly impressed by a beautiful rainbow decorated the bazaar, which he says "that regulate some good home-arm". From that time, the rest from other sources is recorded how long struggle led around the old and new of the. Kanitz was especially surprised with the beautifully decorated houses and storehouses and there was also a nice cafe, immaculately maintained inn for guests. Kanic talks about the large market.
Reference is also beautiful church that was built in 1847, and that its tower was demolished in a strong earthquake who struck this city in 1879.
In the monotonous life and everyday worries suddenly came news that on his way to Petrograd and Moscow Gradište visit the king to the boat go that way. In all the places on the banks of the Danube began extensive preparations to greet the coast of the nation and wished him a safe journey to distant Russia. Juvenile king Aleksandar Obrenovic from Belgrade, 10 July 1891, he went by boat "Sofia", accompanied by the royal governor Jovan Ristic and Prime Minister Nikola Pasic. On the whole journey was enthusiastically welcomed by the people who came out in large numbers on the banks of the Danube, and waved his hand and firing cannons and prangija gave expressions of joy. From Smedervskog cannons pounded the city, and at Rama came ashore nation with church lithium. But Gradistanac organized a special reception. To Ram came to meet him in special garlands and flowers dressed ship. On the deck is playing music a river waves rolled through the song The singing family. On that occasion, the king was handed a written greeting people with expressions of loyalty. This flower boat followed the king of Rama until Pozezena below. And on the quay in Veliko Gradiste was vast crowds who cheered "Lived" and "Have a nice trip." From flowers and flags decorated by the city heard the mortars.
Kultura Veliko Gradiste je jedno od mesta koje je je veoma bogato kulturnim sadrzajem. Razlog za to mora da lezi u veoma dugoj i lepoj tradiciji negovanja kulture. Najveci doprinos kulturi u danasnjem Velikom Gradistu nesumljivo je dala Biblioteka „Vuk Karadzic“ koja je svojevrsni hram kulture ovih prostora. Biblioteka poseduje citaonicu, i veliki broj knjiga i druge arhivske i neknjizne gradje. Pored nje se nalazi i galerija Milana Besarabica, muzeolosko odeljenje, kao i likovna galerija. Biblioteka je vec dugi niz godina svojevrsni organizator i pokrovitelj mnogih kulturnih desavanja. Danas je u Velikom Gradistu aktivan Kulturni centar koji u okviru koga radi Folklorni ansambl „Vlastimir Pavlovic Carevac“ i amatersko pozoriste“Zanka Stokic“.
Culture Veliko Gradiste is one of the places that has a very rich cultural content. The reason for this must lie in a very long and beautiful tradition of cultivating culture. The largest contribution to culture in today's Veliko Gradiste undoubtedly gave the Library "Vuk Karadzic", which is a kind of temple culture of the area. The library has a reading room, and a large number of books and other archival and non-book materials. Beside it there is a gallery of Milan Besarabić, museological department, as well as an art gallery. The library was for many years a kind of organizer and sponsor of many cultural events. Today in Veliko Gradiste active cultural center in which like Folklore Ensemble "Vlastimir Pavlović Carevac" and amateur theater "Zanka Stokic".
Sport Svaka prica o sportskom zivotu u gradu navodi i na konstataciju da se na prste mogu izbrojati gradovi koji imaju ovako brojan i raznovrstan sportski zivot. Sportsko drustvo VGSK pod svojim krovom okuplja devet sportskih klubova. Najstariji je fudbalski klub koji je osnovan 1924. godine. Slavu grada najdalje su proneli odbojkasi koji su bili Jugoslovenski sampioni, a i sada su u Prvoj saveznoj ligi. Odnedavno se mogu pohvaliti i zenskom odbojkaskom ekipom. Tu su i rukometasice, sahisti, karatisti, Jahting klub. U svim ovim klubovima trenira oko 500 aktivnih sportista sto je oko 9% ukupne populacije grada.
Sport Each story of sports life in the city states and the conclusion that can be counted on the fingers of cities that have such a numerous and varied sporting life. Sport Society VGSK gathers under its roof nine sports clubs. It is the oldest football club founded in 1924. The glory of the city as far spread the volleyball players who were champions of Yugoslavia, and are now in the First Federal League. Since recently can boast offer women's volleyball team. There are also handball, chess, karate, Yachting club. In all these clubs to train about 500 active athletes which is about 9% of the total population of the city.
Veliko Gradiste je pristaniste za sve strane brodove koji Dunavom dolaze iz crnomorskih luka na putu za Bec i obratno. nadamo se da ce ovaj grad kao luka puno dobiti na znacaju kada bude proradio kanal Dunav-Rajna-Majna. U Gradistu je i carinarnica, pa je i to razlog da sve bele lepotice na svom putu obavezno, krace ili duze, zastanu u njemu. Kod Velikog Gradista uliva se i reka Pek u Dunav. Izgradnjom HE Djerdap i podizanjem nivoa Dunava, na uscu Peka formirao se zaliv koji je vrlo brzo postao veliko staniste za mnoge pticje vrste. Od Velikog Gradista, pored Dunava do usca Peka, pa i dalje uzvodno, izgradjen je odbrambeni nasip koji je istovremeno i lepo setaliste obalom Dunava.
Veliko Gradiste is a dock for all foreign ships on the Danube from the Black Sea port on their way to Vienna and vice versa. We hope that this city as a port to get a lot of importance when it kicked Danube-Rhine-Main. In the Gradiste and customs, so this is the reason that all white beauties on their way mandatory, shorter or longer pause in it. At Veliko Gradiste flows into the river Pek into Danube. The construction of the Djerdap hydroelectric power plant and the level of the Danube River, at the mouth of the bay Peka formed which soon became a great habitat for many bird species. From Veliko Gradiste, near the Danube River to the mouth of Baking, and further upstream, built dikes that is both beautiful promenade along the coast of the Danube.
Nekada je ovaj kraj bio veoma bogat sumama. Medjutim, one danas zahvataju jedva oko 200 hektara. Preovladava relativno mlada bagremova suma. Po njoj i i poznato izletiste Beli Bagrem dobilo ime. Od sela Rama preko Zatonja, Velikog Gradista i Pozezena do Golupca prostire se Ramsko-golubacka pescara ukupne duzine 70 kilometara. Opstina obiluje i brojnim lovnim terenima u kojima preovladava niska divljac, a u izobilju ima i pernate divljaci.
Once this region was very rich in forests. However, they now affect only about 200 hectare. The prevailing relatively young acacia forests. According to her, the famous resort White Acacia named. From the village of Ram over Zatonj, Veliko Gradiste and Golubac to Požeženo extends the Rama-Golubac sandstone total length of 70 kilometers. The municipality is rich and numerous hunting grounds in which the prevailing low venison, and the abundance of game and game birds.
Carevcevi dani su tradicionalna muzicka manifestacija posvecena Vlastimiru Pavlovicu Carevcu, osnivacu Narodnog orkestra Radio Beograda. Odrzava se tokom jula meseca, svake godine, u Velikom Gradistu.
Carevac days are a traditional music event dedicated to Vlastimir Pavlović Carevac, founder of the National Orchestra of Radio Belgrade. It is held in July every year in Veliko Gradiste.
Ono sto u potpunosti dominira ovim gradom je park, uredjen jos 1908. godine koji se nalazi u blizini keja na Dunavu, iza centralnog trga. U ovom parku nalazi se i nekoliko spomenika: Spomenik posvecen vojnicima iz balkanskih i svetskih ratova, Spomenik vojnicima iz Prvog svetskog rata, Spomenik violinisti Vlastimiru Pavlovicu Carevcu.
What is completely dominates this city's park, decorated in 1908. located near the quay on the Danube, behind the central square. In this park there are also several monuments: the monument dedicated to the soldiers from the Balkan and World Wars, Monument to the soldiers of the First World War, Monument violinist Vlastimir Pavlovic Carevac.
Pasuljijada je manifestacija turisticko – zabavnog karaktera koja brendira poznatu vrstu pasulja „Gradistanca“, najboljeg pasulja koji se proizvodi u nasoj zemlji i koji nosi ime po ovom kraju. Da bi zastitili ime pasulja, velikogradistanci su osmislili takmicenje u kuvanju pasulja po utvrdjenim propozicijama, manifestaciju koja je postala tradicionalna.Preko 50 takmicarskih ekipa se takmice u pripremanju pasulja „Gradistanca“ , uz ucesce Vojske Srbije koja priprema cuveni „vojnicki pasulj“. Na manifesaciji je organizovan i kulturno – umetnicki program na letnjoj sceni.
Pasuljijada is a manifestation of a tourist - entertaining character who brand the famous kind of beans "Gradistanac" best beans produced in our country and which is named after the town. In order to protect the name of the bean, velikogradistanci have devised a competition in cooking beans according to the established rules, the event that has become traditional. Over 50 competitive teams compete in cooking beans "Gradistanac", with the participation of the Army of Serbia which prepares the famous "military cakewalk." On manifestation organized and culturally - artistic program on the summer stage.
And finally to you good tidings ..on my Youtube channel sacked the video with the cruise.
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